Dr.Dusana Plechlo

Life Coach

Helping you channel your full potential

Hi,my name is Dusana and I focus in health coaching and teaching people strategies and techniques to manage variety of health issues, including food allergies.

My Story

In addition to being a Dr., I have Master’s Degree in Health Psychology and additional Degree in Nursing. I support my coaching with education, a wealth of personal experience and expert knowledge to help people to live their life to the FULLEST.

During nearly twenty years of working as a Psychologist and a Health Coach, I have worked with thousands of clients and variety of issues and life situations. In addition, due to my personal experience of managing life with chronic disease and several food allergies, I use the expertise as well as my own experience to help others. I have truly “walked the walk” and I offer personalized advise and individual attention to every client and every challenge that food allergy can present for you. My focus is on helping people to DEVELOP STRENGTHS and CONFIDENCE in their lives and circumstances.

Having food allergies myself, I have experienced the first hand, how challenging and even overwhelming life and travel with food allergies can be. If you love to travel and meeting new people, DON’T let Food Allergies to stop you!

Getting diagnosis of food allergies or any other dietary restrictions sends you to a huge transition. When you’re facing a significant life transition, it’s no secret you’ll burn your friends and family out if you treat them like therapists. Transitions bring up stress, anxiety, and uncertainty, all of which have the tendency to set us on edge and make us feel as though we need to talk things through…over and over again.

Instead, seek a health coach/ food allergy coach to get support you need. I will meet you where you are in life and help you to transition seamlessly and effectively into the living with fulfillment and confidence. Check out Services section to learn how Health Coaching works.

Seek help from an expert on Life and Travel with Food Allergies and get your travelling life back!