This is my message to all of you who are in the same boat. Stay safe – be careful about what you eat!

Double-check everything, as this could be the worst time for unnecessary trips to the hospital. Food allergies are tricky and dangerous in better times, so today is not our lucky day.

Are you able to get some fresh produce and safe foods like rice, meat, and potatoes and cook for yourself from scratch?

                                                                                                               My Kitchen = safe heaven those days.
I hope you can cook from scratch, as this is my to-go method for safe food and eating at home. As my allergies contain only a few fresh produce options, and they are easily distinguishable from others in my case, I can count on perfectly safe food. In comparison, if I have to buy something pre-packaged by a company that I don’t know, I am putting myself at risk. The risk increased during a pandemic because the company that I trust and usually buy from is sold out. For that reason, I run into the chance of getting something that I don’t know, and I may have an allergic reaction to the food.

I hope you can cook from scratch, as this is my to-go method for safe food and eating at home. As my allergies contain only a few fresh produce options, and they are easily distinguishable from others in my case, I can count on perfectly safe food. In comparison, if I have to buy something pre-packaged by a company that I don’t know, I am putting myself at risk. The risk increased during a pandemic because the company that I trust and usually buy from is sold out. For that reason, I run into the chance of getting something that I don’t know, and I may have an allergic reaction to the food.

As the threat of coronavirus goes around the globe, we are at risk of allergic reaction more and more. People with food allergies have their lives at higher risk due to a shortage of stock and availability of allergen-free foods. This higher risk comes from the situation of limited food supply for everyone, but I know from the times when I was still able to eat anything, that my options were so much broader, AND ALL foods were safe. So, in the past (a long time ago) I would be fine, as long as there was any food in the store. Not the case anymore. I feel the urge of panic when thinking about empty shelves in grocery stores and the number of people who can be pushed to buy unsafe food, just because there is nothing else to buy. However, people with food allergies have not been recognized as a vulnerable group and don’t get a particular time to go to the store and get their essential supply of food.

I would think that more could be done for our vulnerable group, who is brave to deal with daily food limitations anyways.
I also miss any help from the government to those who already buy their food at higher prices due to their food allergies. With our unique needs, we are even more financially strained and stressed during those tough times.

Please pay extra attention to what you are buying those days and prevent yourself from getting sick. Set aside extra time to cook your food. Also, pull out recipes containing simple ingredients that you can get and are 100% safe for you.

Getting through those tough times, I have even (finally) pulled together my GLUTEN FREE deserts recipes that only take minutes to make. The book could be found here:

Good luck and stay safe!

How to survive holidays with food allergies

How to survive holidays with food allergies

If you live with food allergies then you know that life with food allergies presents unique challenges. They become even more prevalent when we face social situations that require eating out with others. Being out of the comfort of own kitchen and safe foods is where we are the most vulnerable. Especially,when we are getting ready to celebrate and enjoy, just like anyone else. Here are some tips on how to be successful in navigating maze of social events and family visits during holidays.






    Merry Christmas – keep it allergen free holiday


    1. Plan ahead – make sure you know what you will be
      facing and who is in charge of foods
    2. Prepare yourself for a marathon of explanations
      and asking questions – this is part of you advocating for yourself and making
      sure that what you are just about to eat is safe for you
    3. Be clear on what you can’t eat. If needs to be
      make a list and have it handy
    4. Make a list of foods that you CAN eat. This way
      you might be able to present some ideas to people that find it hard to think
      outside of box. This might just make your experience more pleasant.
    5. If situations allow it, offer to make your
      favorite food, or cake, so you can share with others, but you can also be sure
      that you will be able to eat something that you really enjoy.
    6. Don’t assume that people know as much as you do
      about your needs. Be polite but ask how was the food prepared. Ask for
      details, making sure that these holidays are going to be a great memory for
    7. If you are hosting an event at your house, this
      could be easier. However, if you are going to serve food that is not safe for
      you, make sure to place it at the very end of serving table, so people will
      help themselves with this meal last. This will prevent people possibly dropping
      small pieces or crumbs onto the rest of the food.
    8. Call or email ahead the host of the event and
      make it clear that you have food allergies and would like to know if they would
      be able to accommodate those. You can make suggestion how those could be accommodated.
    9. Carry snacks with you all the time. Just in case
      that everything else fails and you will need to eat something.
    10. Do your research of restaurants close to the
      place where you are going to eat at. Do they offer meals that you can possibly have?
      As the last resource, you can always excuse yourself and eat somewhere else, if
      they were not able take care of your needs.
    11. Enjoy yourself! But don’t let your guard down.


    Happy Holidays with Food Allergies!


    I would highly recommend Dusana as an experienced coach, who will not hesitate to share her own journey with you. She would guide you towards safe and healthy eating. She helped me to gain a different perspective on my situation with food allergies and encouraged me to follow my dream of traveling and meeting new people. I am happy with my life and enjoy great meal times with family and friends! Before starting coaching with Dusana I didn’t know this change of mind is possible. It was truly a magical experience.

    Megan T., Calgary, AB

    Thank you, Dusana for teaching me to take baby steps on this journey. I was frustrated with not being able to manage my own life and social situations. You have helped me to set realistic goals and get my priorities straight. I have learned so much from you and regained confidence in my own strengths and abilities. Life is good again!

    Rob A., Phoenix, AZ

    I was recently diagnosed with food allergies and found myself struggling to get my life and diet on the right track again. I felt isolated, unable to go through an explanation of my allergies and dietary needs again and again. So…..I made the first step and booked the first session with you. Your compassion and expertise made me feel very comfortable and hopeful.  You have shown me the best in me and took me on an amazing journey of personal growth and success. As a result of your coaching, I am confident and happy living my life with food allergies. I would recommend your services to anyone who feels stuck and overwhelmed by the complexity of life with food allergies.

    Caroline M., Palm Spring, CA